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Product Characterization 

Fermented soybean meal has several advantages after undergoing the fermentation process such as carbohydrate removal, protein concentration, and fermentation.

Fermentation can significantly improve the digestibility of proteins in soybean meal. The enzymatic activities of microorganisms help break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. This leads to increased protein digestibility and absorption by the gut of aquatic animals, resulting in better feed conversion efficiency and growth performance.

Enhanced Palatability

Fermentation can improve the palatability of soybean meal. The microbial fermentation process can produce various flavor compounds and aroma-enhancing substances, which can make the feed more appealing to aquatic animals. This encourages better feed intake and promotes growth in aquaculture species.


Soybean meal contains antinutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, phytic acid, and oligosaccharides, which can impair nutrient utilization in fish or shrimp. Fermentation processes, particularly solid-state fermentation, can effectively reduce these antinutritional factors. This reduction enhances the availability of nutrients and minimizes the negative effects on growth and feed efficiency.

Immune Stimulating

Fermented soybean meal can contain beneficial microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and Bacillus species. These microorganisms can act as probiotics, promoting a healthy gut microbiota in aquatic animals. Additionally, fermented soybean meal can stimulate the immune system, enhancing disease resistance in aquaculture species.

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